Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

FIRST! Welcome to my new blog!

Hello everyone! You probably don’t know me yet, so I’ve decided to write a short introduction…

My name is Sara (everyone calls me Bambi though) and I’m a 23 year old arts student from Germany. I love everything creative, bright and colorful and I try to live my life to the fullest. Carpe diem is one of my mottos! I moved out of my parents' house over two years ago and I've been with my boyfriend for over three years. He's the love of my life and we're about to move together into our very first apartment. Be prepared to see him on here every once in a while...
My passion for makeup and fashion has been set in the very early years, when I played around with my mom’s wardrobe and makeup. She encouraged all her children to experiment with styles and appearance and never hold us back. Even when my brother came home with leopard-print dyed hair... Changing your appearance really is a form of expression for me. I love to transform into the different shades of my personality and it's incredible to me, that you can be a different person every day just by putting a different piece of clothing on.
In the last weeks I've been watching loads of beauty videos on youtube and I found it immensely fascinating, what one could create with a little bit of color and shade. I've always been into makeup and enjoyed experimenting with it and I really want to take it one step further. I want to explore the world of beauty and fashion! I will post a lot of looks/outfits, reviews and hauls, recipes and DIY tips and tricks... Just everything that makes me happy and is fun!

Please note: I’m not a professional makeup artist or anything, I just have a deep passion for experimenting. So if not everything is perfect, bare with me.

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